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A naïve man transporting lethal narcotics in his stomach is detained by the police. Alone and afraid, the mule makes a desperate choice -- to defy his bodily functions and withhold the evidence...literally. By doing so becomes a human time-bomb, dragging cops, criminals. lawyers and his mother into his impossible escapade. Inspired by true events, THE MULE is a comic nightmare of stomach-churning suspense and belly laughs.
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![Download Mule [Blu-ray] Download Mule [Blu-ray]](
A naïve man transporting lethal narcotics in his stomach is detained by the police. Alone and afraid, the mule makes a desperate choice -- to defy his bodily functions and withhold the evidence...literally. By doing so becomes a human time-bomb, dragging cops, criminals. lawyers and his mother into his impossible escapade. Inspired by true events, THE MULE is a comic nightmare of stomach-churning suspense and belly laughs.
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Are you looking for a place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch movies. You can also stream and download full movies new and old online. Enjoy and relax streaming full movies online in good quality.
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