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Gaspard (Melvil Poupaud), a recent university graduate, arrives at the seaside in Bretagne for three weeks' vacation before starting a new job. He's hoping his sort-of girlfriend, the fickle Léna (Aurélia Nolin), will join him there; but as the days pass, he welcomes the interest of Margot (Amanda Langlet, the titular character from Rohmer's PAULINE AT THE BEACH), a student of ethnology working as a waitress for the summer. Things start to get complicated when the spoken-for Margot encourages
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Gaspard (Melvil Poupaud), a recent university graduate, arrives at the seaside in Bretagne for three weeks' vacation before starting a new job. He's hoping his sort-of girlfriend, the fickle Léna (Aurélia Nolin), will join him there; but as the days pass, he welcomes the interest of Margot (Amanda Langlet, the titular character from Rohmer's PAULINE AT THE BEACH), a student of ethnology working as a waitress for the summer. Things start to get complicated when the spoken-for Margot encourages
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