Descriptions Inspector General, The - 1949 - Color Stream Movies

Set in 19th. Century Eastern Europe this family musical stars Danny Kaye as Georgi, an illerate member of a band of wandering Gypsies trying to sell a magic medicine. Georgi is arrested by the local police chief and mistaken for the Inspector General who is rumored to be travelling in the region and possibly in disguise.
Danny Kaye delivers a charming, talented and energetic performance with original songs written by his wife Sylvia Fine. The music score by Johnny Green won a Golden G
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Set in 19th. Century Eastern Europe this family musical stars Danny Kaye as Georgi, an illerate member of a band of wandering Gypsies trying to sell a magic medicine. Georgi is arrested by the local police chief and mistaken for the Inspector General who is rumored to be travelling in the region and possibly in disguise.
Danny Kaye delivers a charming, talented and energetic performance with original songs written by his wife Sylvia Fine. The music score by Johnny Green won a Golden G
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