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An all-star cast highlights this hilarious comedy about a bunch of die-hard baseball buffs. Stars Brad Garrett, Jeff Geddis, Matt Craven, Sarain Boylan, Stephen Markle, Wayne Knight - Director: Saul Rubinek.The Chicago Bruins baseball team is facing their hated St. Louis rivals, but the real drama is in the stands, where a die-hard group of fans (compassionate gambler Peter Reigert, hen-pecked hothead Wayne Knight, blind Matt Craven, jerk Brad Garrett, aspiring actress Sarain Boylan, and gee
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An all-star cast highlights this hilarious comedy about a bunch of die-hard baseball buffs. Stars Brad Garrett, Jeff Geddis, Matt Craven, Sarain Boylan, Stephen Markle, Wayne Knight - Director: Saul Rubinek.The Chicago Bruins baseball team is facing their hated St. Louis rivals, but the real drama is in the stands, where a die-hard group of fans (compassionate gambler Peter Reigert, hen-pecked hothead Wayne Knight, blind Matt Craven, jerk Brad Garrett, aspiring actress Sarain Boylan, and gee
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