Descriptions Jim Florentine - A Simple Man DVD & Blu-ray

Jim Florentine's A Simple Man comedy special was shot at the George Street Playhouse Theater in New Brunswick, NJ. This hour long comedy set involves topics including his nerd neighbors, man caves, dumb fantasy football, the use of the word Redskin and more. The show is raw and honest. It's Florentine's best work to date.
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Jim Florentine's A Simple Man comedy special was shot at the George Street Playhouse Theater in New Brunswick, NJ. This hour long comedy set involves topics including his nerd neighbors, man caves, dumb fantasy football, the use of the word Redskin and more. The show is raw and honest. It's Florentine's best work to date.
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Are you looking for a place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch movies. You can also stream and download full movies new and old online. Enjoy and relax streaming full movies online in good quality.
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