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Just after the events of that fall in 2001, the nation was facing troubles and fears that it had never confronted before. so Chonda asked us "what are we afraid of?" Chonda answers the question in a way only she can, via musical numbers, skits, commercial parodies, rib-tickling stories and poignant moments from the heart. Fears and phobias, worries and doubts, scary sounds and scary people - nothing can withstand the comedic onslaught that Chonda delivers, because laughter lurks in every corner.
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Just after the events of that fall in 2001, the nation was facing troubles and fears that it had never confronted before. so Chonda asked us "what are we afraid of?" Chonda answers the question in a way only she can, via musical numbers, skits, commercial parodies, rib-tickling stories and poignant moments from the heart. Fears and phobias, worries and doubts, scary sounds and scary people - nothing can withstand the comedic onslaught that Chonda delivers, because laughter lurks in every corner.
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