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Eight years after the wry romantic sketch "Antoine and Colette", Fran?ßois Truffaut and Jean-Pierre L?©aud reunited to catch up with Truffaut's cinematic alter ego, Antoine Doinel, the troubled adolescent of "The 400¬†Blows". "Stolen Kisses" opens with the now-grown Doinel sprung from military prison with a dishonorable discharge, drawn directly from Truffaut's own history of delinquency, but the parallels end there. Lovesick Doinel woos the perky but unresponsive object of his affections,
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Eight years after the wry romantic sketch "Antoine and Colette", Fran?ßois Truffaut and Jean-Pierre L?©aud reunited to catch up with Truffaut's cinematic alter ego, Antoine Doinel, the troubled adolescent of "The 400¬†Blows". "Stolen Kisses" opens with the now-grown Doinel sprung from military prison with a dishonorable discharge, drawn directly from Truffaut's own history of delinquency, but the parallels end there. Lovesick Doinel woos the perky but unresponsive object of his affections,
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