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Perla is a mother with three children: Carolina, Estefania and Salvador. She is obsessed with turning one of her daughters into a beauty queen and she is willing to do whatever it takes to make her own childhood dream come true, even if it means affectionately ignoring her only son. Perla's unlimited efforts will soon turn into a nightmare for both of her daughters. “Toddlers & Tiaras” meets Pedro Almodóvar in this crafty Spanish comedy.When sold by, this product is manufactured
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Perla is a mother with three children: Carolina, Estefania and Salvador. She is obsessed with turning one of her daughters into a beauty queen and she is willing to do whatever it takes to make her own childhood dream come true, even if it means affectionately ignoring her only son. Perla's unlimited efforts will soon turn into a nightmare for both of her daughters. “Toddlers & Tiaras” meets Pedro Almodóvar in this crafty Spanish comedy.When sold by, this product is manufactured
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