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One of Britain's most famous Seventies sex films follows a no-hoper moper going from one job to another, meeting on the way numerous women determined to get him into bed. As usual in these highly believable films, cravats and flared underwear prevail. "Man About the House's" Richard O'Sullivan and lick-when-wet Valerie Leon (Blood from the Mummy's Tomb) star in this cavalcade of "tee-hee" sex, English style.
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One of Britain's most famous Seventies sex films follows a no-hoper moper going from one job to another, meeting on the way numerous women determined to get him into bed. As usual in these highly believable films, cravats and flared underwear prevail. "Man About the House's" Richard O'Sullivan and lick-when-wet Valerie Leon (Blood from the Mummy's Tomb) star in this cavalcade of "tee-hee" sex, English style.
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