Descriptions Dance-Off DVD & Blu-ray

Dance-Off is a tongue-in-cheek family comedy set in the world of competition dancing starring talented dancers and choreographers from So You Think You Can Dance! Two rival studios pick their stars Jasmine (Kathryn McCormick) and Brandon (Shane Harper) to compete against each other for a ,000 prize. Jasmine and Brandon have history. They were dance partners and mutual crushes as children. But Brandon quickly moved away not allowed to say goodbye to the heartbroken Jasmine. Luckily, both kept
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Dance-Off is a tongue-in-cheek family comedy set in the world of competition dancing starring talented dancers and choreographers from So You Think You Can Dance! Two rival studios pick their stars Jasmine (Kathryn McCormick) and Brandon (Shane Harper) to compete against each other for a ,000 prize. Jasmine and Brandon have history. They were dance partners and mutual crushes as children. But Brandon quickly moved away not allowed to say goodbye to the heartbroken Jasmine. Luckily, both kept
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Are you looking for a place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch movies. You can also stream and download full movies new and old online. Enjoy and relax streaming full movies online in good quality.
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