Descriptions Elizabeth Taylor - Father's Little Dividend Stream Movies

Reprising his role from the 1950 release, FATHER OF THE BRIDE, Spencer Tracy rejoins Joan Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor and Don Taylor in a charming sequel to MGM's original gem. Tracy portrays Elizabeth Taylor's father, Stanley Banks, who is still recovering from the effects of giving up his "little girl," Kay, to Buckley Dunstan, played by Don Taylor. Upon hearing the news that the newlyweds are expecting, Tracy opposes the new arrival, feeling the stresses of middle age and family life, but he ev
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Reprising his role from the 1950 release, FATHER OF THE BRIDE, Spencer Tracy rejoins Joan Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor and Don Taylor in a charming sequel to MGM's original gem. Tracy portrays Elizabeth Taylor's father, Stanley Banks, who is still recovering from the effects of giving up his "little girl," Kay, to Buckley Dunstan, played by Don Taylor. Upon hearing the news that the newlyweds are expecting, Tracy opposes the new arrival, feeling the stresses of middle age and family life, but he ev
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