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During their lunch hour, twelve quirky, offbeat characters converge on a secluded, dusty park. Park intertwines the lives of several unsuspecting people, including a depressed and desperate woman, a philandering lawyer, his snooping wife, a pair of dog groomers, and a van of aspiring nudists.
Sex, love, betrayal, sushi, and dog grooming -- and you thought it was just a quiet little park.
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During their lunch hour, twelve quirky, offbeat characters converge on a secluded, dusty park. Park intertwines the lives of several unsuspecting people, including a depressed and desperate woman, a philandering lawyer, his snooping wife, a pair of dog groomers, and a van of aspiring nudists.
Sex, love, betrayal, sushi, and dog grooming -- and you thought it was just a quiet little park.
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Are you looking for a place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch movies. You can also stream and download full movies new and old online. Enjoy and relax streaming full movies online in good quality.
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