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An irreverent look at how a fertile imagination and 21st century technology can turn the most unlikely business into and exciting--and profitable--undertaking. The Young and The Dead tells the story of how the Hollywood Memorial Cemetary became Hollywood Forever. A metamorphosis from decrepit burial ground to a modern, interactive, state-of-the-art facility, with touch-screen kiosks and a gift shop complete with souvenirs. And how a cemetary became, according to LA magazine, one of the sexiest p
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An irreverent look at how a fertile imagination and 21st century technology can turn the most unlikely business into and exciting--and profitable--undertaking. The Young and The Dead tells the story of how the Hollywood Memorial Cemetary became Hollywood Forever. A metamorphosis from decrepit burial ground to a modern, interactive, state-of-the-art facility, with touch-screen kiosks and a gift shop complete with souvenirs. And how a cemetary became, according to LA magazine, one of the sexiest p
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