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"Vizontele is an infectious delight that proves you can indeed bottle charm" Dennis Harvey - Variety Magazine The story of the arrival of television in a remote town in south-east Turkey. The year is 1974 and the sudden appearance of this innovation in this insular society brings with it many confrontations and comic events. The far-sighted mayor of the town, Nazmi Dogan, and crazy genius, Emin, are the main characters in this light-hearted comedy, which earlier this year smashed all previous bo
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"Vizontele is an infectious delight that proves you can indeed bottle charm" Dennis Harvey - Variety Magazine The story of the arrival of television in a remote town in south-east Turkey. The year is 1974 and the sudden appearance of this innovation in this insular society brings with it many confrontations and comic events. The far-sighted mayor of the town, Nazmi Dogan, and crazy genius, Emin, are the main characters in this light-hearted comedy, which earlier this year smashed all previous bo
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