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The most barbaric humor since the guillotine! Crazy old Mrs. Pringle runs "The Little Wig Shop," where she specializes in wigs made entirely of human hair. Offering to rent rooms to local college girls, Mrs. Pringle scurries the gals into a back room where her psycho son, Rodney, provides the "wigs" for his mama by gorily scalping the women. But when a co-ed friend of amateur sleuth Kathy disappears, Kathy investigates until she too comes face to face with Rodney and his new electric carving kni
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The most barbaric humor since the guillotine! Crazy old Mrs. Pringle runs "The Little Wig Shop," where she specializes in wigs made entirely of human hair. Offering to rent rooms to local college girls, Mrs. Pringle scurries the gals into a back room where her psycho son, Rodney, provides the "wigs" for his mama by gorily scalping the women. But when a co-ed friend of amateur sleuth Kathy disappears, Kathy investigates until she too comes face to face with Rodney and his new electric carving kni
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